There are a growing number of women (and men too) who are realising that they don’t have to choose between enjoying the benefits of a career and providing a safe and loving home for their children. As the boundaries between work and home become blurred, thanks largely to the evolution of technology together with changes in attitude, there is a trend towards flexible working and setting up home-based businesses that allow work commitments to be balanced more easily with parental responsibilities.
The Arrival of the Mumpreneur
Some people have shown a real flair for melding the role of an entrepreneur with that of a mum or dad, spawning the terms ‘mumpreneur’ and ‘dadpreneur.’ There is often a subtle difference in the way these mums and dads conduct business when compared with entrepreneurs who later went on to have children. The mumpreneur often starts with her family routine first and organises her business commitments around that, often making use of a new wave of groups offering tailored services such as specialised support groups and shared work space.
Bring out your Inner Entrepreneur with Hip Hop Tots®
Having children often causes women to reassess their lives. For some, returning to work after maternity leave leads to feelings of sadness, frustration or disappointment. If you’re considering your options, are able to self-motivate and are enthusiastic about working with children then Hip Hop Tots® could be the answer you’ve been waiting for.
With its low entry costs, strong branding and flexible licensing structure, Hip Hop Tots® takes a lot of the risk and uncertainty out of the entrepreneur lifestyle. In addition there are no academic prerequisites and you don’t need to have had any prior dance or teaching experience (although any you do have will, of course, help).
Making the Transition
Some people put off making changes in their lives because the upheaval seems just too scary. But with Hip Hop Tots® you can become an instructor on a part-time basis, running just one or two sessions a week. Our licence fee is refreshingly affordable and we can teach you everything you need to know in just one day, making it that much easier to book time out of your current schedule. On receipt of your licence you will have the right to run Hip Hop Tots® sessions from a range of venues for the next 12 months, plenty of time to work out whether you want to stay part-time, expand your empire or try your hand at something else.
To find out more about becoming an instructor, please get in touch with us today!