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Are you a dance teacher with some free time in the mornings? Are you a parent of a pre-school child and excited by the idea of becoming a ‘mumpreneur?’ Are you tired of the rat race and thinking about becoming your own boss?
Well if you love working with children then you might have just what it takes to become a Hip Hop Tots® instructor. You don’t have to have previous dance experience or any particular qualifications – just the enthusiasm to give your best.
What’s more, your brand new future could be just 24 hours away…
For dance teachers and those with a background in the performing arts and already working with children, we have condensed the fundamental principles and best practice guidelines into what we call ‘Hip Hop Tots® In A Box!’
First you will need to complete the Hip Hop Tots Licensed Teacher Application Form. Once we approve your application (you will usually receive approval within 48 hours) and you have made payment, you will be awarded with your very own renewable 12-month licence to teach the Hip Hop Tots® programme from a wide range of settings including children’s centres, holiday resorts and playgroups – even your very own dance or arts studio!
You will receive everything required to teach your classes including;
We also have Hip Hop Tots® merchandise available via our online shop.
No, you absolutely do not have to be a hip hop diva to teach pre-school children to dance (in fact, it’s often better if you’re not!) The Hip Hop Tots® programme has as much to do with storytelling, playing games and singing nursery rhymes (with a hip hop twist, of course) as it does with dancing. However you will not be able to purchase our ‘Hip Hop Tots® In A Box’. Instead you will be required to attend a training day. Please contact us for more information.
Becoming a Hip Hop Tots® instructor will give you a head start in the pre-school activity market, enabling you to draw upon the power of the Hip Hop Tots® brand when establishing your business.
But just because you are free to be your own boss, it doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone. We are also offer exclusive Hip Hop Tots® online membership where instructors can support, advise and exchange ideas with one another as well as accessing our latest choreography and music releases.
Hip Hop Tots® members will also benefit from valuable marketing and business tips to give them that competitive edge.
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